Life Events
As we journey through life it is important to mark certain milestones along the way. It could be committing a child to God in a service of baptism or thanksgiving; making heartfelt vows on your wedding day; or coming with family and friends to mark the end of the life of a loved one.
If you would appreciate just having someone to talk to about what's going on in your life then please contact the church office or and a member of the team will be in touch with you.
Baptism is the means by which we are drawn into the body of Christ - the Church. It is the beginning of our journey of faith, and a promise of God’s Spirit at work in us.
Baptisms are joyful family occasions, but they also mark a serious commitment to following Jesus, and we would therefore encourage all who are seeking to get their children baptised, to join with St Paul’s in our worship (lots of different options) and community life.
We are an informal church family who welcome newcomers of all ages, stages and backgrounds.
Please click on the link and complete the form to register your interest in baptism and one of our ministers will be in touch.

A funeral marks the moment when we entrust a loved one into the care of our loving God.
We want to do everything we can to support you in this important and difficult time.
Please contact us via to discuss having a funeral at St Paul’s – or if you wish to talk to someone for prayer and support.