Our Story
In 2021 St. Paul’s Daybrook, welcomed a new team to partner with the existing congregation to bring new life to the Parish. The team is led by Rev. Jack Bull and her husband Rich. Jack is an ordained Priest who was previously the curate at St. Marks Woodthorpe. Rich serves St. Paul’s in a voluntary capacity and works full-time at Nottingham Trent University. Before Jack’s call to ordained ministry in 2013 she was on staff at Trent Vineyard church. Having come from non-church backgrounds and experienced a range of growing and accessible models of church, Jack and Rich are passionate about exploring an expression of church that fuses the depth and civic role of the Church of England with contemporary & accessible forms of worship and discipleship.
We launched a new series of contemporary services in Jan 2022 to compliment the existing 9.30 am traditional communion service – see our Services page for details. The vision for St Paul’s extends beyond ‘Sunday services’ however. We hope to be a place of peace, hospitality, creativity and welcome; equipping our members to live ‘lives of worship’ (wherever they are, whatever they do) and to be a blessing to our community.
Jack says; “We love that there is a stream running through our parish – the Day Brook of Daybrook! We love it because rivers are a recurring biblical theme - with water being a symbol of God’s Spirit springing up in dry places and bringing refreshing and new life. We want to partner with God in being a refreshing, life-giving presence in this place love.”
If you would like to find out more about the vision for St Paul’s, how you can get involved, or would like to explore faith or discuss a life event, please contact Jack vicar@stpaulsdaybrook.co.uk